- Antibodies & Diagnostics
Manufacture and sale of diagnostic reagents, monoclonal antibodies, antigen and reagents for research purpose.
- Animals & Cells
We produce model animals and genetically engineered cell with our technology nurtured in order to philanthropy through development of life science.
- Research & Development
We produce a world first mouse for in-vivo evaluation of antibody drugs. Our aim is to create best in class antibody drugs through research and development.
- Company Name
- Institute of Immunology Co., Ltd.
- Location
- Head Office
1-1-10, Koraku,
112-0004, Japan
TEL +81-3-3814-4081 FAX 81-3-3814-5957Tochigi Plant
170, Shimoishibashi,
Shimotsuke-shi, Tochigi-ken
329-0512, Japan
TEL +81-285-52-1011 FAX +81-285-52-1015Utsunomiya Laboratory
1198-4, Iwazo,
Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi-ken
321-0973, JAPAN
TEL +81-028-683-1153 FAX +81-028-664-2410
- Manufacture and sale of diagnostic reagents, monoclonal antibodies, antigen and reagents for research purpose.
Production of genetically engineered animals, establishment of iPS cells and genetically engineered cells.
Development and sale of mouse for in-vivo evaluation of antibody drugs.
Research and development of medical and bio fields. - Members
of the Board - Chairman Ayumu Ito
President Yukio Ito
Director Akira Shiota
Director Toshihiko Nakashima
Director Toshiya Fujii
Director Yukiko Suama
Auditor Hiroyuki Muroga
お問い合わせ CONTACT
Institute of Immunology offers a wide range of services, including antibody sales,
contract manufacturing, animal model creation, and cell line development in both Japan and overseas.
Please don’t hesitate to inquire for more information.